Friday, September 17, 2010

Fox Pup's AK Vacation - Day 1: Exploring Anchorage

Goose has so graciously allowed me to use this blog to add posts about my vacation in Alaska.  I might add a photo here and there, but a link to all my favorite photos will be added later when I get time to go through the many photos and find the best ones. :)  Onward...

It's our first day in Alaska, and the weather is beautiful!  After a great breakfast at our B&B, we drove around the city to explore and get our bearings.  There were a few photo ops along the way, but just enjoying the mountainous scenery along the way as we were driving was great.  We decided to take a drive south of Anchorage on the Seward Highway, along Turnagain Arm.  There were a lot of places to pull over so we could photograph the scenery.  A couple told us about seeing some bears at a nearby rest area the day before, and some others saw some whales, but we didn't see any such wildlife. :(  We decided to turn around when we got to Girdwood.  Dinner at Sourdough Mining Company was great, including the free ice cream at the end! 

Chugach Mountains along the Seward Highway

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