Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Visit Alaska in the Winter?! Definitely YES!

What could there possibly be to do in the winter around Alaska, you ask? Plenty! Plus, things aren't nearly as busy in the winter as they are during the summer (a.k.a. "tourist season"). A friend came to visit in March (she was here in the summer too). We seemed to find plenty to keep us busy, and even had things we wanted to do that we didn't get to in the week she was here. I originally planned to do one blog post to cover her visit, but after going through photos, I decided it just can't be done. It will be divided over 3 posts. So here's number 1... enjoy!

Since it's been a record snowfall winter, the scenery was extra impressive around here. We both took pictures along the way to document... and many are taken through the windshield (by the passenger, of course) so you'll have to pardon the streaks on the windshield. :) Might as well get started...

We went for a walk along the Coastal Trail the first full day she was here. There were many indications that we weren't walking anywhere close to the true ground level! First, we came up on some benches with signs that should probably be about waist level...

What it looks like "normally". The previous picture was taken mid-March... this one below was taken the end of May. 

If water runs fast enough... it can keep from freezing over around here. This might have been frozen during the coldest part of the winter, but the March sun is a strong one.

Standing on TOP of the railing... not next to it?!

The same general spot at the end of May...

Snow covered chunks of ice... Mt. Susitna in the background...

A great thing about Anchorage... multiple maintained ice "rinks" around town. Free groomed cross-country skiing trails (on the left side of the photo), free ice skating, free hockey... not to mention free views of some beautiful mountains (in the background... hard to see in this photo)!

Snow berms about the height of my car... what an awesome winter it's been!

On the way home, it was nice to have a passenger with me so we could get some pictures of my neighborhood. I kept driving through this area feeling like the snow piles were bigger than on my street.

One night on our way back to Anchorage, there was a beautiful sunset. We drove to the coast to see it and get a few photos. The best part is... there was practically a traffic jam on this side road as people were trying to get a good view of the sunset as well. I love it! A great "end" to the day... and a great end to this post!

'Til next time...

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