Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Fox Pup's AK Vacation - Day 10: The Twisty, Turny Road Back to Anchorage

***Note: Pictures will be added later, so please check back.  Thanks!***

Today, we drive from Valdez to Anchorage.  Perhaps our string of beautiful weather is done for this trip… it is quite foggy outside our hotel.  We get packed up and head out… and before we even start climbing the big hill to Thompson Pass, the fog clears and it’s another beautiful day.  We got a few more photos of Bridal Veil Falls since it’s in the shade rather than somewhat harsh sunlight we had the other day, and stopped for a few other photos of the Wrangell-St. Elias Mountains.  Otherwise, we trekked onward toward Anchorage.  The Glenn Highway near Anchorage gets pretty curvy… it was a very pretty (and fun) drive. 

We’ve got one more B&B to stay at on this trip, and it was a very nice one.  Room scheduling conflicts even got us an upgrade, so we couldn’t complain about that!  We headed out to dinner to the Moose’s Tooth Pub & Brewery (yes, YET another brewery… too bad we’re not actually getting any brews at these places!).  This is supposedly a favorite of the locals, so we had to give it a try.  I approve… it was a neat atmosphere with great food!  The wild berry cobbler wasn’t bad either. J

Last night in Alaska… just one more day to explore the area, and then we leave tomorrow night. 

The last full day in Alaska, Day 11, was spent in Anchorage doing odds and ends.  Not much to say here, other than we visited the Alaska Zoo and saw polar bears among other animals.  Neat to see, but since I've been spoiled by the Sedgwick County Zoo in Wichita, it was hard to be very excited about the photography opportunities with all the bars and stuff between me and the animals.  This trip has been absolutely amazing... I still can't believe I get to live here very soon!  Next on this blog will be our drive to Alaska... coming soon!


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